2 - Bay Synology Diskstation NAS - Disks Not-Included
Synology Home Media and Backup Network Server DS220+ - A network storage center for all your household IT backups. Music, Videos , Pictures , Financial data. The Synology soluton also comes with a free MS365 Active Backup services. And Google Cloud Backup Services. Also, get full image backups of your machines. No licensing costs and pure techy awesomeness!! Great peace of mind to know all of your IT is backed up.
Please note that every Synology NAS price is the base price without hardrives. So the capacity is your choice of drive size. We can can provide the size and drive prurchases for you. Just let us know much you want to store in Terabytes. You can go as high as 22Terabytes on each drive with this unit. 2 NAS drives could support RAID 0 , 1 and 2. A larger Synology would be required to for the higher RAID levels, capacity and reduncancy.
Disk Pricing Varies from Month to Month
Please contact us for custom disk options